Assurance cum Pension Plan
Assurance cum Pension Plan
In human life, we pass three level. Childhood is joyful days, adult age is full of work & responsibilities and old age is leisure life. In old age there is no certainty of income then most of the time they might fall into financial crisis. So smart people make some savings for securing the income of their old age. Which make their old age comfortable & can reduce dependency. For securing the financial risk of old age Alpha Islami Life has introduced an unique plan called “Pension Scheme” Benefits under this plan is as follows:
- If the policy holder survives till end of the policy term then he will get pension till his death. But in case the policy holder dies within 10 years of pension receiving then rest period of 10 years pension, shell be given to the nominee of the policy holder as monthly pension.
- If policy holder dies during the term of policy then the nominee will get a total of 10 (ten) times of annual pension.
- Usually as per general practice 10 times of annual pension is considered as Sum Assured.
- In pension scheme policy holders retirement age shall be 50 to 60 years.
- You shall get income tax rebate on the deposited premium under this scheme and insurance claim amount is also tax free.
This plan allows you to add on one of the following supplementary insurance facilities :
- Critical Care (CC)
Rate Chart
Premium Rate Per 1,000/- Sum Assured
Age |
Term |
50 |
51 |
52 |
53 |
54 |
55 |
56 |
57 |
58 |
59 |
60 |
20 |
135.50 |
124.90 |
115.40 |
106.80 |
99.10 |
92.10 |
85.90 |
80.30 |
75.20 |
70.70 |
66.60 |
21 |
146.10 |
134.50 |
124.00 |
114.60 |
106.20 |
98.50 |
91.70 |
85.60 |
80.00 |
75.10 |
70.70 |
22 |
157.90 |
145.10 |
133.60 |
123.20 |
113.90 |
105.60 |
98.10 |
91.30 |
85.30 |
79.90 |
75.10 |
23 |
170.90 |
156.70 |
144.00 |
132.70 |
122.40 |
113.30 |
105.10 |
97.70 |
91.10 |
85.20 |
79.90 |
24 |
185.30 |
169.60 |
155.60 |
143.10 |
131.80 |
121.70 |
112.70 |
104.60 |
97.40 |
91.00 |
85.20 |
25 |
201.30 |
183.90 |
168.40 |
154.50 |
142.10 |
131.10 |
121.10 |
112.30 |
104.40 |
97.30 |
91.00 |
26 |
219.20 |
199.80 |
182.60 |
167.20 |
153.50 |
141.30 |
130.40 |
120.70 |
112.00 |
104.20 |
97.30 |
27 |
239.10 |
217.50 |
198.30 |
181.30 |
166.20 |
152.70 |
140.60 |
129.90 |
120.30 |
111.80 |
104.20 |
28 |
261.40 |
237.30 |
215.90 |
197.00 |
180.10 |
165.20 |
151.90 |
140.10 |
129.50 |
120.20 |
111.80 |
29 |
286.50 |
259.40 |
235.50 |
214.40 |
195.70 |
179.10 |
164.40 |
151.30 |
139.70 |
129.40 |
120.20 |
30 |
314.80 |
284.30 |
257.40 |
233.80 |
213.00 |
194.50 |
178.20 |
163.70 |
150.90 |
139.50 |
129.40 |
31 |
344.80 |
312.40 |
282.10 |
255.60 |
232.30 |
211.70 |
193.50 |
177.50 |
163.20 |
150.70 |
139.50 |
32 |
378.80 |
342.10 |
310.00 |
280.10 |
253.90 |
230.90 |
210.60 |
192.80 |
177.00 |
163.00 |
150.70 |
33 |
417.40 |
375.80 |
339.50 |
307.80 |
278.30 |
252.40 |
229.70 |
209.80 |
192.20 |
176.70 |
163.10 |
34 |
461.70 |
414.20 |
373.00 |
337.10 |
305.70 |
276.60 |
251.10 |
228.80 |
209.20 |
192.00 |
176.80 |
35 |
512.60 |
458.00 |
411.00 |
370.30 |
334.80 |
303.90 |
275.10 |
250.10 |
228.10 |
208.90 |
192.00 |
36 |
571.70 |
508.50 |
454.50 |
408.00 |
367.70 |
332.80 |
302.30 |
274.00 |
249.30 |
227.80 |
209.00 |
37 |
640.90 |
567.10 |
504.50 |
451.10 |
405.10 |
365.40 |
331.00 |
300.90 |
273.10 |
248.90 |
227.80 |
38 |
722.90 |
635.70 |
562.60 |
500.70 |
447.90 |
402.60 |
363.40 |
329.50 |
300.00 |
272.70 |
249.00 |
39 |
821.00 |
716.90 |
630.60 |
558.30 |
497.10 |
445.00 |
400.30 |
361.70 |
328.40 |
299.40 |
272.60 |
40 |
940.50 |
814.10 |
711.00 |
625.60 |
554.20 |
493.80 |
442.30 |
398.30 |
360.40 |
327.70 |
299.30 |
41 |
1088.40 |
932.40 |
807.30 |
705.30 |
620.90 |
550.30 |
490.70 |
440.00 |
396.70 |
359.50 |
327.40 |
42 |
1276.00 |
1078.90 |
924.40 |
800.60 |
699.70 |
616.40 |
546.70 |
488.00 |
438.10 |
395.60 |
359.10 |
43 |
1520.90 |
1264.60 |
1069.40 |
916.50 |
794.10 |
694.40 |
612.20 |
543.50 |
485.70 |
436.70 |
395.00 |
44 |
1853.00 |
1506.90 |
1253.10 |
1060.00 |
908.80 |
787.80 |
689.40 |
608.30 |
540.70 |
483.90 |
435.80 |
45 |
2327.80 |
1835.50 |
1492.80 |
1241.70 |
1050.60 |
901.20 |
781.80 |
684.80 |
604.80 |
538.40 |
482.60 |
46 |
2305.20 |
1817.80 |
1478.70 |
1230.30 |
1041.50 |
893.90 |
776.10 |
680.50 |
601.90 |
536.60 |
47 |
2282.20 |
1799.90 |
1464.50 |
1219.00 |
1032.50 |
886.90 |
770.80 |
676.70 |
599.50 |
48 |
2258.90 |
1781.90 |
1450.40 |
1207.90 |
1023.90 |
880.40 |
766.10 |
673.50 |
49 |
2235.40 |
1763.90 |
1436.50 |
1197.10 |
1015.60 |
874.30 |
761.80 |
50 |
2211.70 |
1746.00 |
1422.70 |
1186.60 |
1007.90 |
868.70 |
51 |
2188.00 |
1728.20 |
1409.30 |
1176.70 |
1000.70 |
52 |
2164.30 |
1710.70 |
1396.40 |
1167.30 |
53 |
2140.90 |
1693.70 |
1384.10 |
54 |
2117.90 |
1677.30 |
55 |
2095.40 |